Indoors gardening nowadays is a very popular method of gardening, because it doesn’t require you to have a garden or even a big indoors space, since all of the gardening happens in small containers and with the help of artificial lighting. However, some plant containers or plant pots are better suited for indoors grow operations than others, so here is a little guide as to which plant pots will let you get the most out of your indoors garden and therefore from your plants.

There are several different types of plant containers, that you can chose from, but probably the most popular are plastic, fabric and ceramic planters, since they are widely available and some of them are also quite inexpensive. And there are certain advantages and disadvantages to each of these three types of planters, so lets find out which kind of plant pot you should chose next time you are on the hunt for one.


The the most environmentally friendly plant pots probably are the fabric ones. On top of that they also provide automatic air-prune feature, which means that the plants roots will feel better in a fabric pot rather than plastic or ceramic potplant pots, since the moment the roots will reach the edge of the soil they will stop growing and stay strong and nicely distributed. The downside to fabric pots is that they tend to be more expensive, they don’t retain water as good as other types of pots, which means that plants in fabric pots will have to be watered more often and the pots themselves don’t tend to last longer than three seasons or so. So I would chose fabric pots if you want to develop strong root system for your plants, and you intend to later replant them in more permanent pot or if you want to grow a more temporary plants and you know that afterwards you will be tossing out the plants old pot, since fabric pots are bio-degradable and this way you won’t leave as big of an environmental impact as you would if you were using pot made out of other materials.


Then there are plastic pots that are by far the cheapest planter option, as well as the most versatile, sturdy and reusable option among all the plant pot types out there. plantersRight now you can get plastic pots in basically any shape, size and color and I won’t be tragic if a pot breaks since it can be easily replaced, although plastic pots usually aren’t that easy to break. On the other hand, plastic pots aren’t that good when it comes to developing plant root system, because the roots, once they reach the edge of the soil, will start to tangle themselves whiting the soil, creating entangled mess of roots that aren’t as strong. Also plastic pots don’t provide as good of a root cooling, which in some cases can lead to the plants sustaining heat damage, and plastic isn’t very environmentally friendly material, so if the health of the environment is very important to you, don’t choose plastic post. However, do chose plastic pots if you need reliable and cheap enough pots for a long term gardening, that will satisfy your planter needs without leaving you broke.


potsLastly a nowadays less popular plant pot option among gardeners is ceramic plants, since they aren’t as durable as plastic pots or as good for the roots as fabric pots, but ceramic planters, too, have their upside. One of the main reasons, why people choose ceramic pots is simply because they look very good, because ceramic pots usually offer wide variety in terms of pot design and color. The cons to ceramic pots are that they usually are heavy, they break pretty easily, are prone to cracking in cold temperatures or retain too much heat for too long in hot weather and usually don’t provide suitable water drainage for most plat types. So I would advise to use ceramic pots only when the planter design is crucial to the design of the room. Otherwise, better go for plastic plants as that way you will save money, and provide better environment for the plants and their roots.